New Offices


There's  been a lot of changes at TJ Dub Web Design since our last blog post, and we're dedicated to providing more consistent updates! 

The biggest news is that we've moved! The office on Jefferson and Spaulding in downtown Peoria got a little too cramped, so we took the leap and moved into a newly renovated building in the Warehouse District of Peoria, Illinois. The space is great for us and our clients through Peoria, Bloomington, East Peoria and more.


TJ Dub has been supplying Peoria and the surrounding areas like Bloomington, East Peoria, and more for several years, and I'm excited to announce that we now have access to additional office space in Washington, Illinois and Bloomington / Normal Illinois for convenience of meeting with clients. 

Secondly, we've finally found a great web service provider. After years of struggling to find a good solution in dealing with web hosting for TJ Dub's personal sites and clients, we've settled on a Cloud Server provider, supplying the maximum of uptime and support at no additional costs to you. 

Please give us a call and let us know how we can help you!

Contact Us

TJ Dub Web Design
820 SW Adams St. - Peoria, IL 61602
(309) 740 - 0174
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